Planning - Background Information
The Parish Council has a Planning Committee which is made up of five Parish Councillors (plus the Council’s Chairman & Vice Chairman ex-officio) and meets every month . The committee reviews all planning applications pertaining to the Parish of Brickhill and makes comments to Bedford Borough Council about each application for and on behalf of the Parish Council. The Parish Council has the right to have its comments taken into account by the Borough Council but it is the Borough Council which determines the outcome of the application.
The agendas of Planning Committee meetings are posted on the Parish Council website and notice boards (Avon Drive shops, Brickhill Drive shops) no later than three days before each meeting. Members of the public are warmly invited to attend meetings of the Planning Committee and have the opportunity to address the Committee during the public open session held at the start of every meeting.
You may contact the Clerk if you would like to see the details of any planning application in the parish which affects you and the proposed plans can then be made available to you at a mutually convenient time.