Brickhill Parish Council Financial Accounts & Reports

Good governance, accountability and transparency are essential to Brickhill Parish Council. The Parish Council receives its income by determining a “precept” or local tax payable by residents. This money is collected by Bedford Borough Council with the Council Tax and passed on to the Parish Council for its activities. Additional limited revenue comes from grants, the allotments, advertising in the parish council newsletter and from bank interest.

The Council as a whole, with the help of the Responsible Financial Officer, is responsible for putting in place proper arrangements for the governance of their affairs and the prudent stewardship of the resources in their care. They are required to report on these arrangements in their published Annual Governance Statement. This annual return and the external audit report are made public and are displayed on the parish council notice boards each year. The books and details of all financial transactions are also made available for inspection by the public at the time of the external audit.

Brickhill Parish Council does not have a separate Finance Committee. Financial decisions are made by the whole council and approved at Parish Council meetings. The annual budget and the precept to be levied on the taxpayers of Brickhill are decided at the January meeting each year.

The accounting year runs from 1 April to 31 March. The Parish Council publishes its accounts as soon as possible after the financial year end and details of its spending and activities can be found in the Annual Report.

If you require any additional information or clarification about the Parish Council’s financial affairs, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk to the Council.

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