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Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Please refer to the Agenda, which will be published prior to the event, for details about the format of the meeting and matters to be addressed.

What is the Annual Meeting of the Council?

Like any other organisation or company, the Parish Council needs to hold an annual meeting to carry out those things that only need doing once a year. These include such things as:

    • Electing a Chairman
    • Electing a Vice-Chairman
    • Appointing committees
    • Appointing representatives to other bodies (e.g. The Finance & Personal Advisory Group, Allotment & Open Spaces Committee or the Planning Committee)
    • Reviewing policy documents such as risk assessment, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and more…


This meeting should not be confused with the Annual Parish Meeting which is where members of the community, clubs, associations, schools, councils etc come together and update each other on what’s been happening and what is planned for the future.